Understanding Brain Inflammation

Inflammation of the brain, stress, toxins and blood sugar imbalance can all affect how your brain functions. Let’s dive deeper into each of these. Reduce Inflammation – An inflamed brain causes depression, dementia, forgetfulness, and ADD to name a few. A lot of factors mentioned below can contribute to the inflammation residing in your brain. […]
Role of hormones in your brain health

Do your mood and energy swing up and down? Do you crave salt or sugar? Are you overweight and putting on more and more belly fat? If you are a woman, do you have a premenstrual syndrome or painful or heavy periods? Are you depressed? Do you sleep poorly? Do you have thinning hair, dry […]
Nutrition for your brain!

Nutritional Deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, food allergies, toxins, and digestive, immune, and metabolic imbalances, primarily influence mood, behavior, attention, and attitude. Addressing nutrient deficiencies is the first step to heal your brain and make it function better! Nutrients from food provides all the raw materials for structure and function of the brain cells, to keep all communication […]
Root causes of brain dysfunctions!

Depression, anxiety, fatigue have become the new normal of our modern lives. But does it really have to be that way? The simple answer is No! The question here is to ask yourself, what is causing the symptoms to show up in the first place? Read further to know more. Brain symptoms don’t always show up […]