
Pharmaceutical drugs are regulated by the government authorities. Supplements are not. Most supplements found in drug stores and pharmacies use cheap nutrients, which are poorly absorbed or not absorbed by our body at all. Also, the efficacy of the supplements, depend on their formula, which is often not the correct one. A lot of them […]
Superfoods for the GUT!

Our supermarkets today are full of ‘food like things’ (aka processed foods), which can create a havoc in our Gut. Thankfully nature has given us some superfoods to take care of our Gut Health! Fermented Vegetables Naturally fermented vegetables like kimchi, pickles and sauerkraut contain much higher levels of beneficial bacteria than even probiotic supplements. […]
Why is Gut Health so important?

Our Gut literally controls our physical and mental health in ways we cannot even imagine! Our small intestine is home to trillions of bacteria, yeast, fungi, and other microbes which are called the ‘Gut Flora’ or the ‘Microbiome’. Some of these microbes are good for our health and some are not. How healthy you are, […]
Understanding the GUT

Let’s revisit some lessons from biology that we learnt in school. To understand gut health, it is first important to understand how our bodies process food. What exactly is Gut? The gut is basically our gastrointestinal tract. It runs all the way from the mouth, and ends at the anus from where the waste is […]
Benefits of Ghee

Ghee is one of the most ancient foods of India. It is a superfood and should be a part of every meal we eat. However, the real benefits of ghee can be derived only if ghee is prepared the right way, from the purest of milk available. A2 cow milk which is from grass-fed cows, […]
How is Sleep and Gut Health related?

A lot of research has been done on the connection between sleep and gut health, and it is astonishing to know that many cases of anxiety, depression and insomnia are connected to irregular and erratic sleep schedules. Sleep affects the immune system significantly, and just two days of irregular sleep can alter your gut composition. […]
Finding hidden sugar in your food!

Sugar is one of the most addictive food substances, and makes a large part of natural and processed foods. While some sugars are naturally found in fruits and vegetables, it’s the processed forms we need to be careful of! Different names of Sugar Here are a few ways to identify sugar in packaged foods. If […]
Coffee – Drug in a Mug!

There is a lot of confusion in the nutrition world, around whether coffee is really good for health or not. Some say it is, some say it isn’t. And then, there are people whose lives depend on 5 cups of coffee a day! Dark-roasted coffee has specific health benefits related to its high levels of […]
Difference between A1 and A2 Cow Milk, and Organic and Grass-fed Milk

The market is suddenly flooded with different brands selling A1 and A2 Milk. Any large supermarket or grocery store is selling a variety of these ‘organic and farm fresh’ labeled milk bottles. But how does a consumer get to know the difference between the varieties available, and decide which milk is actually good for consumption? […]